Wednesday, 27 October 2010

My Everything-and-Anything-about-Film Blog

Welcome Visitor - If you are reading this, you are probably the one and only person to do so...

This is my movie blog. To put it simply, I love movies. I love them. I love watching them, reading about them, talking about them, sharing them... They make up a big part of my life, and they are one of my biggest interests.

Movies have the ability to make us laugh, make us cry, make us laugh until we cry. They have such a power over us and our emotions, and most of us don't even notice it...

Anywho, this blog will consist off anything and everything to do with films. Fun facts, soundtrack listings, reviews, pictures, top ten lists, actor/director profiles, random film quotes, my own personal movie experiences... Anything and everything related to movies could appear on this blog.

Why am I doing this? I am writing this blog because I am so sick of watching movies and not being able to share my thought and feelings about them with others. Nobody I know has as keen an interest in them as I do. When I see a movie, I want to talk about it. I want someone else to know about it, and experience it for themselves, whether that experience be a good one or a bad one. I also want others to know little known, or perhaps well known, film facts that I find interesting. I can't be the only person to find the fact that the first draft of the script for Die Hard was originally intended to be for the never made sequel to Commando, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, interesting. At least, I hope I'm not.

So here it is: My blog. Dedicate to anything and everything film. Enjoy.

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